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Автор Тема: Практика пранаямы  (Прочитано 34390 раз)

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Re:Практика пранаямы
« Ответ #45 : Сентябрь 02, 2014, 18:20:12 »

Спасибо за науку.

Спасиба большая
Хари ОМ

Yogi Matsyendranatha

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Re:Практика пранаямы
« Ответ #46 : Сентябрь 04, 2014, 14:39:26 »

Вот ТУТ, в "Девибхагаватапуране", очень интересно сказано о пранаяме и роли мантры.

Особенно интересно вот это:

59-62. The practiser must practise with Japam and Homam the Mantram till his mind be not dissolved in Me, My Consciousness. By the practise of meditating on the Mantra, the thing to be known (Brahma) is transformed into knowledge. Know this as certain, that the Mantra is futile without Yoga and the Yoga is futile without the Mantra. The Mantra and the Yoga are the two infalliable means to realise Brahma. As the jar in a dark room is visible by a lamp, so this Jîvâtmâ, surrounded by Mâyâ is visible by means of Mantra to the Paramâtmâ (the Highest Self). O Best of Mountains! Thus I have described to you the Yogas with their Angas (limbs). You should receive instructions about them from the mouth of a Gura; else millions of S'âstras will never be able to give you a true realisation of the meanings of the yogas.

Без Йоги не может быть реализована мантра, и без мантры не может быть Йоги.
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